is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuna Kagesaki. The series was published in Japan by Fujimi Shobo and serialized in Monthly Dragon Age magazine. The manga has been distributed in English by Tokyopop. The story is about an immortal girl, Seine Miyazaki, and an orphan boy, Tatsuya Tsugawa, who gets involved with her. ==Plot== After both his parents died in an accident, Tsugawa Tatsuya is now left with millions in inheritance that he cannot use. In the weeks after, he is still mourning and thinking about his father's last words, "A Tsugawa family's man must be a man of great caliber". However, Tatsuya is not confident he can fulfill his father's last wish. One day a week after the accident, he meets Seine Miyazaki, a strange girl who seems to enjoy being bullied. Tatsuya believes he can help her although his friends only see her as a masochist pervert, and Seine herself told him to mind his own business. Seine hunts creatures of the sea, a kind of parasitic bug that controls humans and influences them to do hateful things. She possesses an immortal body and a beast called AiON that is used to lure and devour the bugs from inside the human host. She and the bugs naturally have an impulse to kill each other on contact. Even so, Tatsuya still cannot just leave her alone. He wants to help her. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Aion (manga)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク